Investing in outstanding nonprofit organizations in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming
Drug & Alcohol Addiction
Bill Daniels’ Motivation
Bill suffered from alcoholism and embraced sobriety after seeking treatment. He talked openly about his ongoing recovery as a way to educate and provide hope to others. Bill personally helped countless friends and business associates seek treatment
and regain control of their lives.
Desired Result
Adults and youth with drug and alcohol addiction challenges achieve and maintain stability through prevention, treatment, and recovery programs.
Our Strategy
Prevention (Emphasis on Youth)
Young people demonstrate positive behavioral changes through an understanding of the risks and repercussions associated with drug and alcohol use.
Individuals begin demonstrated sobriety via participation in a supportive treatment program with demonstrated success.
Individuals maintain long-term sobriety through engagement in recovery programs with demonstrated success.
And if you did not know,
I am a recovering alcoholic, so I know a little about that.”
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Funding Area Video
Watch this short video to learn more about what inspired Bill Daniels to direct the Daniels Fund to support programs for people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.