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College & Financial Aid Showcase

College & Financial Aid Showcase

Join us for a half-day event designed to help high school juniors, seniors, and parents simplify the process of finding college funding. The showcase will bring together leading scholarship providers, universities, and select financial institutions at the CSU Spur Campus on Saturday, September 7. This free event will give attendees the tools and information to navigate the complexities of paying for college and get a head start on their applications.

Let us know you're coming!

Register below to attend and receive updates about this free event and other resources. And bring a friend — registration is also easy at the door.

Who should attend?

  • High school seniors graduating in 2025
  • High school juniors graduating in 2026
  • Parents and guardians

Five lucky students who attend and register will be randomly selected to win a free laptop!*

Who should attend?

High school seniors graduating in 2025, juniors graduating in 2026, and their parents or guardians.


Saturday, September 7
8:30 – 11:00 am
CSU Spur Campus — Hydro Building
4777 National Western Drive
Denver, Colorado 80216

Refreshments and light breakfast will be provided.

Who should attend?

High school seniors graduating in 2025, juniors graduating in 2026, and their parents or guardians.


Saturday, September 7
8:30 – 11:00 am
CSU Spur Campus — Hydro Building
4777 National Western Drive
Denver, Colorado 80216

Refreshments and light breakfast will be provided.

Presenters and table hosts include:

  • Alpine Bank
  • Boettcher Foundation
  • Colorado Christian University
  • Colorado College
  • Colorado Mesa University
  • Colorado State University – Fort Collins
  • Colorado State University – Pueblo
  • Daniels Fund
  • Denver Scholarship Foundation
  • Fidelity Scholars Program
  • Latin American Education Foundation
  • New Mexico State University
  • Pinnacol Foundation
  • Regis University
  • University of Colorado Boulder
  • University of Colorado Colorado Springs
  • University of Colorado Denver
  • University of Denver
  • University of Northern Colorado
  • University of Wyoming

Breakout Sessions

Optional 15 minute speed breakout sessions

Breakout Sessions

Optional 15-minute breakout sessions
  • Daniels Scholarship Presentation
    The Daniels Scholarship Program is designed to empower highly motivated students who demonstrate strong character and have ambitious dreams. This session will detail how the scholarship can make college accessible, covering the qualifications needed, the benefits provided, and the steps to apply. Join us to explore how this transformative opportunity can support your educational journey and future aspirations.
  • Ask me Anything: High School College Counselor
    Need additional guidance on financing your college education? This interactive session features expert advice from experienced and highly respected college counselors, including Daniels Fund’s own Joanne Augustine (@javawithjoanne). Show up with your questions and dive into practical tips and new perspectives on navigating the financial aspects of college planning.
  • Direct from the Source: College Financial Aid Office Advice
    Understanding the inner workings of college financial aid offices can significantly impact your educational financing decisions. This session will equip you with essential information on how colleges determine financial aid, the critical questions to ask, and the factors to consider when assessing offers. Gain firsthand insights from financial aid officers to navigate your options as effectively as possible.
  • Insights from Current Scholars: Lessons Learned in the Scholarship Journey
    Navigating the scholarship process can be overwhelming, filled with unknowns and "if only I knew" moments. In this session, current Daniels Scholars will share their firsthand experiences, insights, and crucial information they wish they had known when applying for scholarships. This interactive discussion will allow attendees to ask questions and get advice directly from scholars who have successfully navigated the journey. Topics will include personal statement tips, managing application timelines, and leveraging available resources. Join us to gain valuable perspectives that can streamline your scholarship application process and enhance your readiness for college admissions.

Laptop Giveaway Details

* Register for the laptop giveaway before or during the event to be eligible. Participants must attend at the Showcase and be a current high school student to qualify. Winners will be randomly chosen and notified by phone following the event. Selected winners must then confirm their event attendance and high school enrollment. Computers must be picked up at the Daniels Fund. If a winner does not meet the eligibility criteria, another participant will be randomly selected.